
時間:2023-10-23 22:56:41 作者:系統開發 熱度:系統開發
系統開發描述::譯者按:對中國鞋的反傾銷調查明擺著就是為了征收懲罰性關稅,然而歐洲的品牌鞋不是歡呼卻是表示嚴重的關注甚至是反對,為何?對于一個企業來說擴大它的銷售有兩個途徑,一個是擠壓競爭對手的份額,另外一個途徑是共同把這個市場做大做旺,歐洲的品牌鞋可不希望這個市場由于中國鞋的退出而萎縮,這樣的話,就是一個“全輸”的結果,包括中國生產商、歐盟生產商與零售商。反觀中國的運動鞋市場,雖然許多人都詬病中國運動鞋的發展同質化嚴重,但是它們請明星代言,花巨資在各種媒體上做推廣,把市場搞得熱火朝天,把這塊蛋糕共同做大做強了,對大家都有好處,這是中國運動鞋制造商值得肯定的地方。 布魯塞爾,比利時代表了許多在歐洲和全球得到高度認可品牌鞋的歐洲品牌鞋聯盟 (EBFC)今天警告目前歐洲針對皮鞋的反傾銷調查所帶來的不利影響以及任何采取的反傾銷措施所帶來的損害。 歐洲品牌鞋的成員就歐盟委員會調查的范圍及如何的調查表示嚴重的關注,這包括: - 這個案子牽涉的范圍太廣,針對了所有從中國和越南進口的鞋子。各種質量檔次的男鞋、女鞋和童鞋都將受到關稅的影響,不管款式、質量或價格如何。 -委員會沒有適當地縮小調查的范圍以針對特定的鞋子,如果有以人為的低價在歐盟市場上不正當的傾銷。 -調查的經濟學基礎存在不足,甚至未能考慮到開放市場的一些基本因素,比如說貨幣匯率的影響。 -歐洲的制鞋商不能夠滿足歐洲對高質量皮鞋的所有需求。 如果采取反傾銷措施,我們將看到以下的影響: -對于歐盟的消費者而言,鞋子的價格將大幅的上升。 -歐盟消費者選擇高質量、時尚且具有競爭力價格的機會將相當有限。 -較高的價格和有限的選擇將導致鞋子銷售額的下降,傷害已經處于困難中的歐盟零售商和相關的行業,并導致這些行業相應的失業。 -類似于歐盟委員會采取行動以后服裝業所發生的問題,類似的貿易混亂將可能在歐盟成員國之間發生。 代表EBFC講話,Timberland歐洲公司的副總裁和總經理理查德.奧.諾克(Richard O Rourke)先生說:“我們已經從歐盟委員會對服裝配額問題的不當處理上看到了在歐盟成員國之間設置貿易限制將對零售商和消費者產生非常不利的影響。不幸的是,眼下的皮鞋調查是建立在不恰當的基礎之上,它將有可能引起鞋子價格的大幅上漲,并且限制歐盟消費者可以買到鞋子的款式。 歐洲品牌鞋聯盟的成員在歐盟鞋市場都有大量的投資,并且認為所有的生產商都應該公平的定價它們的產品,不能夠傾銷或者有其他禁止的不公平的貿易行為。 然而,眼下的調查是在如此一個寬泛的范圍里面擬定,它不能夠有效地針對任何真正不公平的貿易行為。目前的調查將可能對歐盟的消費者和經濟產生非常負面的影響,而且對于擴大歐盟鞋業生產商的生意沒有多少機會,對于這些,我們表示嚴重的關注。”理查德.奧.諾克先生繼續說,“歐洲品牌鞋聯盟要求歐盟委員會盡快重新評估這個有爭議的調查,立即采取措施限制這個調查可能給歐盟消費者帶來的潛在損害。歐洲品牌鞋聯盟歡迎成員國們對這項調查的價值作出認真的評估,并且向歐盟委員會表示它們的關注。” 歐洲品牌鞋聯盟是由在歐盟銷售高檔鞋的歐洲和全球著名制鞋公司組成,包括Clark s,ECCO, Timberland,Kenneth Cole,Caterpillar Footwear, Merrell,Rockport, Hush Puppies, Sebago, Teva,Ugg 和 Simple。 (英文原文自PR Newswire,翻譯:Rainpoem) The European Branded Footwear Coalition Warns of Risks of Current EC Footwear Dumping Investigation Tuesday 20 September 2005, 14:13 GMT BRUSSELS, Belgium The European Branded Footwear Coalition (EBFC), representing many highly regarded European and global footwear brands, today warned of the detrimental impact of the current European anti-dumping investigation being conducted targeting leather footwear and the harm that the imposition of any anti-dumping measures would have on the European Union.The EBFC members have raised serious concerns with the Commission regarding the scope of the investigation and how it is being conducted, including: - The case is overly broad and targets all leather footwear imported from China and Vietnam. Footwear for men, women and children of all quality levels would be affected by duties, regardless of style, quality or price. - The Commission has not appropriately narrowed the scope of the investigation to target specific footwear, if any, being improperly dumped in the EU market at artificially low prices. - The economic basis of the investigation is flawed and fails to consider even basic open market factors such as the impact of currency exchange rates. - EU footwear producers cannot supply all of the European demand for high quality leather footwear. If anti-dumping measures are imposed, we can expect to see the following effects: - Prices of footwear for European consumers will rise substantially; - European consumer choice in high quality, fashionable footwear at competitive prices will be limited; - Higher prices and limited selection will cause sales of footwear to fall, injuring already strained EU retailers and related industries with consequent job losses in those sectors; and - Trade disruption to the EU Member States could occur similar to the problems recently experienced with apparel following the actions of the Commission. Speaking on behalf of the EBFC, Mr. Richard O Rourke, Vice President and General Manager of Europe for Timberland stated, "We have seen from the European Commission s mishandling of the apparel quota matter that establishing trade restrictions across EU Member States can have significant negative impact on retailers and consumers. Unfortunately, the current leather footwear investigation is improperly founded and has the potential to cause significant increases in footwear prices and to limit the styles of footwear that are available to the European consumer. Members of the EBFC have made significant investments in the EU footwear market and believe that all producers should price their products fairly and without the use of dumping or other prohibited unfair trade activities. However, the current investigation is so broadly framed that it cannot effectively target any actual unfair trade practices. We have grave concerns that the current investigation could have significant negative effects on European consumers and the economy and has little opportunity to enhance trade for European footwear manufacturers." Mr. O Rourke continued, "The EBFC calls on the European Commission to promptly reconsider this controversial investigation and take immediate steps to limit the potential harm that this investigation could cause for European consumers. EBFC encourages Member States to scrutinize the merits of this investigation and voice their concern to the Commission." The European Branded Footwear Coalition is comprised of prominent European and global footwear companies that market high-quality footwear in the European Union including Clark s, ECCO, Timberland, Kenneth Cole, Caterpillar Footwear, Merrell, Rockport, Hush Puppies, Sebago, Teva, Ugg and Simple
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