
時間:2023-11-25 00:05:49 作者:程式碼優化 熱度:程式碼優化
程式碼優化描述::【訪學招聘】美國密歇根大學正在招收訪問學者、博士后職位! 想要出國訪問學習的小伙伴看過來啦,美國密歇根大學正在招收訪問學者和博士后。51訪學網小編每周五定時更新最新的訪學招聘信息,感謝關注51訪學。 Dr. Peng li of the institute of life sciences at the university of Michigan is looking for postdocs, visiting scholars and co-trained students to study the neuroregulatory mechanisms of respiration. Dr. Peng li of the institute of life sciences at the university of Michigan is looking for postdocs, visiting scholars and co-trained students to study the neuroregulatory mechanisms of respiration.Dr. Li peng, head of the research group, received his bachelor's degree from tsinghua university and his doctorate from university of southern California (under the tutored of professor Henry Sucov). He then did postdoctoral research with professor Mark Krasnow of the Howard hughes medical institute at Stanford university.Li's research achievements and articles are published in Nature, Developmental Cell, Current Biology, Development and other international authoritative academic journals as the first author or corresponding author.With mice as the research model, Dr. Li peng's research group used advanced technologies such as optogenetics, pharmacogenetics, viral neural circuit tracing, single-cell sequencing to study the neural circuit and mechanism of respiratory regulation.Related information please see http://www.lsi.umich.edu/labs/peng-li-lab Recruitment requirements: (1) research qualifications: doctoral degree or fresh doctoral candidate at home and abroad, with research experience and interest in relevant fields.Background in animal survival surgery, neural circuit tracing, ethology, molecular biology is preferred. (2) have a strong ability of independent research work, be able to read and write English research papers skillfully. (3) honest and trustworthy, love scientific research, serious and responsible for work, hard work, have a good team spirit. Related benefits: postdoctoral students shall enjoy the relevant benefits according to the regulations of the life sciences institute of the university of Michigan. Visiting scholars and joint training students shall be interviewed. Application: interested applicants please send [email protected] with research experience and interest, resume and contact information of referees 院校簡介 密歇根大學(University of Michigan,簡稱UMich)創建于1817年,位于美國密歇根州,是美國前十的綜合型公立大學之一,被譽為公立常青藤,也是世界上主要的研究型大學之一,在世界范圍內享有盛譽,是美國重要的學術聯盟美國大學聯合會(Association of American Universities)的12個發起者之一。 密歇根大學擁有全美最高的研究預算,擁有高質量教學的法學院、醫學院、工學院、商學院及文理學院。在2013年最新大全球大學排名中,密歇根大學排名第17位。2018年9月,泰晤士高等教育(THE)2019世界大學排名發布,密歇根大學排第20名。 密歇根大學號稱美國的“學術重鎮”以“研究”著稱,校內擁有全美最高的研究預算、濃厚的學術氣氛、優良的師資以及頂尖的商學院、法學院、醫學院、工學院及文理學院,并在人類學、社會科學和STEM領域(科學、技術、工程、數學)以及專業學位的醫學、法學、口腔學和社會工作領域開設綜合性的研究生專業。學校在世界范圍內享有盛名,被譽為“公立常春藤”,與加州伯克利大學、威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校稱為“公立大學典范”。 密歇根大學醫院與健康中心(University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers, Ann Arbor)是核醫學的發源地之一,包括大學醫院、C.S. Mott兒童醫院、婦女醫院生育中心、A. Alfred Taubman健康護理中心(1986年成立)、綜合癌癥中心(1997年成立)、心血管中心(2007年成立)、W.K. Kellogg眼科中心(1985年開業),以及120個診所和大約40個健康中心等。 51訪學網專注國外訪問學者申請服務,已積累不計其數的成功醫學訪學案例,如安德森癌癥中心、梅奧診所、麻省總醫院、布萊根婦女醫院、斯坦福醫院、JHU醫院、克利夫蘭診所等頂尖醫學中心訪學案例舉不勝舉。 因此,如果你對訪學有所興趣不妨試一下。希望我們能實現您醫學訪學的夢想!更多醫生訪學相關問題,請添加51訪學專業咨詢顧問于老師微信:woyaofangxue 想了解更多請點擊閱讀原文,留下您的聯系方式,我們專業咨詢顧問會和您聯系~ 51訪學網精彩文章點擊查看↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
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